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来源 用户推荐 发布:2024-03-21







美国假日顾客Introduction to

美国is a melting pot of cultures and its holiday customs reflect this diverse heritage FromThanksgiving to Christmas to Halloween,each holiday has its unique traditions that are cherished byAmericans throughout the country. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular American是假日顾客。


Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays in America, celebrated on the fourth Thursday ofNovember. This holiday commemorates the first harvest feast shared between thePilgrims and NativeAmericans in 1621. Today,Americans gather with family and friends to give thanks for all the死神their lives. the traditionalThanksgiving meal includes roasted turkey, stuffingcranberry sauce, pumpkin pie


圣诞节is celebrated on December 25th, and it is a time for family, friends,and ft-giving。The holiday commemorates The birth of Jesus Christ,but it has also become a secular celebration in美国圣诞树,lights,and decorations are put up in homes and public spaces across the country. Families exchangegifts, end church services和enjoy festive meals together


Halloween is celebrated on October 31st,and it is a holiday that is loved by children and adultsalike. The holiday has its roots in Celtic traditions,but it has演进into a day of costumes,candy,and spooky fun. Kids dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating,while adults often throwHalloween parties and decorate their homes with jack-o-lanterns and other creepy decorations。

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is America's Independence Day,which commemorates The signing of The DeclarationIndependence on July 4th,1776. The holiday is celebrated with parades,picnics,Families和friends gather together to celebrate America's freedom和fireworks displaysacross the country independence。


These are just a few examples of the many holiday customs that Americans celebrate throughout theyear. Each holiday has . its unique traditions and customs that reflect the diverse heritage andcultural influences that have shaped Americainto the nation it is today, Whether it's Thanksgiving,而,halloween,or the Fourth of July,these holidays provide an opportunity for Americans to come together andcelebrate their shared values and traditions.



As a diverse coutry with a rich cultural heritage . the Uited States celebrates a variety ofholidays throughout the year. Additioally,the daily life of America middle school studets isitriguig ad uique. This article will provide a overview of Americaholiday customs ad middle school是life。


Uited States celebrates umerous holidays throughout The year, icludig Thaksgivig, Christmas,ew年's Day,Idepedece Day ad Hallowee. Thaksgivig is celebrated o the fourth Thursday of ovemberad is a time for families to gather ad expressgratitude. Christmas,celebrated o December 25th,is a religious holiday commemoratig the birth of Jesus Christ. ew Year'sDay, celebrated o Jauary 1st,is a time for ew begiigs ad resolutios. Idepedece Day,celebrated o July 4th,commemorates the adoptio of the Declaratio of Idepedece. Hallowee,celebrated o October 31st,is a time for dressig up i costumes, decoratig homes,ad trick-or-treatig

3Middle School Life

Middle school is a importat time i the lives of America studets,as they trasitio from childhood toadolescece. Studets atted classes i various subjects, icludig math, sciece,Eglish,ad social studies Extracurricular activities such as sports,music,ad drama are also popular amog middle school studets. studets typically sped their free timehagig out with frieds,playig video games家庭工作ad studyig for exams are also importat parts ofmiddle school life。


America holiday customs ad middle school life are fasciatig subjects that offer a glimpse itoAmerica culture. From Thaksgivig to Hallowee,ad from math class to sports practice美国middle school studets are rich ad varied



America is a coutry that is kow for its diversity ad uique culture. Oe of the most iterestig aspectsAmerica cultureis its vast array of festivals ad celebratios. These festivals are a itegral partAmerica life ad are celebrated withgreat ethusiasm ad joy. I this essay,we will itroduce some of the most popular America festivals ad their customs。


Thaksgivig is oe of the most beloved holidays i America. It is celebrated o the fourth Thursday ofovember ad is a timefor families to come together ad give thaks for their blessigs. The traditioalThaksgivig meal icludes turkey,mashed potatoes, stuffig, craberry sauce等等ad pumpki pie. May familiesalso watch the Macy's Thaksgivig Day Parade ad football games o this Day。


Hallowee is a holiday that is celebrated o October 31st. It is kow for its spooky decoratios,costumes,ad trick-or-treatig. Childre dress up i costumes ad go door-to-door askig for cady. Mayfamilies also carve pumpkis ad decorate their homes with scary decoratios。


圣诞节is a holiday that is celebrated o December 25th. It is a time for families to come together adexchage gifts.May families also decorate their homes with Christmas lights ad oramets. Some of themost popular Christmas traditiosiclude sigig carols attedig church services ad watchig classicChristmas movies。

3ew Year's Eve

ew Year's Eve is a holiday that is celebrated o December 31st. It is a time for people to reflect othe past Year admake resolutios for the ew Year May people celebrate this holiday by attedigparties, watchig fireworks,ad drikig champage at midight


America festivals are a reflectio of the coutry's uique culture ad diversity. They are a time forfamilies to cometogether ad celebrate their traditios ad customs. Whether it is Thaksgivig,hallowee,而,or ew Year's Eve,there is somethig for everyoe to ejoy. These festivals are a importat part ofAmerica life ad will cotiue to becelebrated for geeratios to come。

美国文化,festivals, celebratios, Thaksgivig, Hallowee, Christmas, ew Year's Eve.



















